on 1:25 PM

Have you looked in the mirror lately? I mean, really looked in the mirror. What did you see? Were you surprised by the image being reflected back to you? Did it look like you? Did it meet the image you hold of yourself in your mind?

If it didn?t match, what were the differences? What was the image telling you?

What do you think the image is that you are projecting out to the world? Does it match your inner view? How has it changes from a year ago? 5 years? 10 years?

Think about the image you have of yourself. Has it evolved over the years as you have? Do you still see yourself in your 20?s even though you are in your 50?s?

So often, we lock an image in our mind of who we are, never upgrading it or enhancing it as we change in the world. We upgrade our technology, cell phones, computers, etc, however we forget to upgrade our inner view of ourselves.

Think about how much you?ve changed and ask yourself if your image is really outdated? Is your inner image stuck in the 70?s and disco, while your outer self approaches the world in the latest fashions?

Internal imaging is not only about your body image, but it is about your entire being, mind, body and spirit. Body image is such a powerful subject in the media of late with actresses coming forward to speak about their struggles with food and image.

While the pressure they are under comes so much from their industry, it is also self imposed. Insecurity about their appearance existed deep within their being and rattled their inner foundation long before the external pressure began.

Think about your inner foundation. Is it stable or rickety and swayed by the latest fashion model to be on the cover of a major magazine? If you don?t feel stable and sure of yourself and the image you have of your self, what steps can you take?

First, identify that the image is just that- an image. The image is not a real thing, but just a picture or idea you took and filed away in your memory. That snapshot has been subjected to years of media influence, family and society influences.

The snapshot is no longer a clear picture, its been subjected to many layers of distortion and became an image that resembles a digitally enhanced, high-tech animation or caricature. It is no longer the truth.

After many years of distortion, it requires clarity. Sorting through the layers may take some time and concentrated effort. It takes patience and commitment, along with a good dose of compassion and self nurturing.

As you peel away the layers, each step of the way its important to clarify the truth. Ask yourself if the image you are seeing is the core truth for your being. Listen to your intuition. Feel the answer deep within your belly. Does the belief attached to that image ring true? Is it your belief or society?s? Is it your mother?s voice you hear, or maybe another?s?

Then ask what motivates that particular image. Is it motivated to please mother? Is it motivated to please father?s image of you? Could it be motivated by attracting attention, or by not wanting to attract attention? What is the deepest motivator? Could it be motivated by aloneness and the quest to never be alone? Could it be motivated by comparison and the need to meet some fictional inner standard?

Once you have identified your motivators, you can choose to address the core issues. You can face the emotion that is connected to the belief and release it, then replace the belief with a new truth.

You define your own truths. You create your own images. You define who you are and how you choose to present yourself to the world. It?s all up to you. You are the creator of your world. Regain your power from the fears you have held within you. Call on friends, family, or counseling for assistance in sorting the facts from the fiction.

You are the only one who knows the truth for you. Others can try to define it for you and tell you who they want you to be, or you can look to others who will help you ask questions and uncover your own truth.

Seek empowerment, not mass media and pre-determined molds to try to fit in to. Seek your inner path and find the light of your own truth, then radiate that light out for the world to see.

You are a unique being with your own inner beauty and shining light. If you recognize it, own it and value it, then so will others. Let that be the new image you show to the world.

? 2006 Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their daily lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie?s website at http://www.illuminationsnetwork.com for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for daily updates to her blog at: http://intuitiveinnovations.blogspot.com

Publisher's Guidelines: You may freely publish this article online, in email newsletters, or in print so long as the resource box and byline are in tact and all links are active. Author would appreciate a notification, but that is optional.

on 7:58 PM

When you are looking for something natural to apply to your face and skin, you should know that there are many organic skin care products on the market.

The possibilities are endless when you want to pamper the senses with an organic bath and body product.

Not only are organic skin are products therapeutic, but they are also healthier because they use natural ingredients unspoiled by chemicals or preservatives.

Some of the ingredients found in many organic skin care products include organic essential oils, organic vegetable oils, as well as organic herbs from the wild.

When looking for an organic skin care product that will suit your needs, you should look for labels that contain phrases, such as 100% Natural or 100% Biodegradable.

Organic skin care products should also stay clear of the use of fragrance oils, artificial colors and synthetics.

Just to get an idea of some of the ingredients and choices a customer may look forward to when purchasing organic skin care products, you could exfoliate your skin with the help of organic pumpkin seed oil and fresh pumpkin seeds.

When you want an exotic, natural scent to grace your body, you may prefer a chemical-free, all-natural perfume created from tropical flowers.

When you need help healing your skin from problems, such as scars, dark marks and sun damage, there is a night cream made from tangerines and calendula, which can be used to ease the appearance of blemished skin.

An organic apricot facial scrub can exfoliate, deep clean, as well as moisturize the skin, all at once.

When it comes to matters of the face, this area of skin is considered the most visible. If problems arise concerning skin and acne, organic skin care products can correct or treat some of these problems without the harsh chemicals that are used in non-organic products. For example, a toner made from pure lemons, witch hazel and peppermint essential oils can be a great solution for easing problem skin.

When you are in need of an organic skin care product that will stimulate circulation, as well as treat open pores, there are toners made from lavender and rosewater that can do the trick.

There are endless websites offering a line of organic skin care products on the Internet. When you arrive at www.vividbeauty.net, you could purchase a face cream made from rose and chamomile, promoting facial hydration and the unclogging of pores. Just as with this particular product, many organic skin care products are good for those who have sensitive skin.

The website www.mothernature.com offers a strong Vitamin C Texturizer which is also gentle on the skin. Your skin will also receive the advantages of Vitamin E and A. This is also the spot where you can get a daytime hydrating cream made from chardonnay grape seeds, Mediterranean olives and soy. The result is smoother toned skin.

The market is booming with plenty of choices to consider, including organic eye gels for reducing puffiness, organic 15 SPF sunscreen, as well as many other organic skin care products for sun damage, cellulite, acne and wrinkles.

More skin care products information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org

on 7:52 PM

Do you ever forget to breathe? Because, if we did, we might be six feet under. So how come we forget to drink water? There are many people who do forget to drink water, amazing? Just like how oxygen is vital for surviving, simply put, water plays an enormous part in our lives. There must have been many times during the day when we feel tired, low, exhausted or need that burst of energy in our body, and we reach out for food to satisfy our cravings, wherein we might actually be needing water to quench our thirst and get our energy levels up.

Health benefits of drinking water: Your daily intake Staying properly hydrated is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to stay in good health. The more water we drink, the healthier we become. Water increases the quality and the length of our lives. By developing good hydration habits, we, i.e. our body functions well. As we age, we become less sensitive to loss of water in our body, which leads to body wrinkles.

Drinking plenty of water is good idea to keep body lines, wrinkles, dehydration, etc at bay. Studies say that we should aim for ? oz of water per pound of body weight. We lose water through sweat, urine or bowel movements. It is preferable to sip water throughout the day rather than to gulp it because it will give your body more time to absorb it. Drinking at least 8 - 10 glasses of water a day is beneficial to us - for our skin, for our weight, for general good health.

1. It improves your energy, tones muscles you mental and physical performance and helps in weight loss.
2. It flushes out wastes, toxins, transports nutrients and regulates body temperature and allows for proper digestion.
3. Keeps skin healthy and glowing, as the skin feels moist with increase in energy levels.
4. It also alleviates migraine headaches, high blood cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis pain, asthma allergies, and high blood pressure. By hydrating your body you can minimize your back pain.
5. Increased water consumption often helps to regulate our appetite because we often mistake our thirst for hunger and eat food when in fact our body is craving for fluid.

No alternatives for water
There is no substitute for this wonderful drink. Most people think that by consuming other liquids, they have had their share of water. But it is not so, sodas, beverages; coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks, etc. cannot be substitutes for water in any way. If you consume too much of beverages, coffee, etc. you rob your body of important vitamins, minerals, stimulate your pancreas, increase insulin level and takes the body out of its natural fat burning state.

Water and Weight
If you're trying to lose weight, water intake is important, as it?s good for digestion and prevents overeating. If you are not getting plenty of water, you will eat more to satisfy your body's craving for water. Water mobilizes and reduces the amount of fat deposit. A natural appetite suppressant, developing a good water drinking habit can be a long-term aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Need for Water
Factors that influence water needs are exercises, environment, illness or health conditions and pregnancy or breastfeeding. Water is especially important for pregnant women and nursing mothers. For athletes and workout fanatics, drinking water reduces cardiovascular stress and improves performance.

In addition, since water reduces body temperature, it makes the whole exercise process safer and more effective. Water is also an important healing tool for people with a history of kidney stones. Drinking water is also valuable in preventing urinary tract infections in both men and for women, flushing impurities out of the system. Drinking large amount of water eases the digestion process of solid foods. Adequate intake of water gives muscles a better contraction and tone. Prevents skin sagging, and finally maintains clear, healthy skin.

Water intake
An easy way is to start the day with the intake of a fresh cup or two of water. These first glasses are so critical because you are reversing any mild dehydration that may have occurred overnight, especially if you cut off your water consumption a couple of hours before bedtime in order to reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom.

If you are in the habit of showering and dressing before you go to the kitchen in the morning, you could leave a bottle of water to drink while getting ready. It is best to drink water on an empty stomach in order to avoid unnecessary dilution of digestive juices, have a glass or two of water, a half hour before and after meals.

Try to get into the habit of bringing a water bottle with you when you go out, whether to shop, walk or to an activity. When it is something as simple and inexpensive as drinking water, make the most of it ? don?t wait till you are thirsty. Drink water constantly throughout the day.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and benefits to some of the most common things in our life like water and its benefits.

on 2:44 PM

I started making facial masks after reading several books on natural cosmetics. Common ingredients used in home made facials are eggs, lemon, milk, honey, cucumber, tomato, essential oils and lots more fruits, herbs and other ingredients.

The assumption I had was that home made cosmetics, being all natural and preservative free were much safer than the commercial masks you found in stores. A wrong assumption. You know the saying. Never assume anything. It makes an ASS of U and ME. Did you know some of the deadliest poisons on earth are 100% natural?

There are complaints about preservatives irritating the skin and all that. That may be true especially for a person with very sensitive skin. But preservatives actually make cosmetics safe to use. Preservatives kill or at very least, inhibit the bacteria, mold, viruses and nasty things that would otherwise thrive in the cosmetics we use. Commercial preparations usually contain some preservative or other to make these products safe for use. Some of the very high end cosmetic formulations are packed in sterile capsules to do away with or at least, minimimize, the need for preservatives.

If you make your own skin care for use later in the week, chances are, unless you are anal about sterilizing everything and freezing every batch once it has cooled, thawing it only when you are going to use it, and keeping your cosmetics away from the raw meat in the freezer, eventually, you could find yourself using contaminated home made cosmetics, which could lead to a skin irritation.

I used to make my own skin care but found all the precautions I had to take such a hassle, now I buy mine off the shelves.

Even if you make your facial products for immediate use, you have to be careful about using only the freshest ingredients. A mouldy fruit or anything that is spoilt can lead to disastrous results on your skin.

Then there is the safety of the ingredients used in your skincare products.

I once told a pharmacist about the lemon remedy I was using on my pimples. She was horrified. Lemons are highly acidic. Lemon juice is pH 2. Sulphuric acid is pH 1. Lemons can cause a nasty acid burn if you are not careful.

We had a discussion about this. She told me about a customer who showed up with an acid burn. Turns out, she had a sunburn. Back in Australia, she would soothe that sunburn by rubbing cut cucumber over her skin. The juices would ease the sunburn. This time around, she was unlucky. The cucumber she used was more acidic than the ones she was used to and she ended up with a really nasty acid burn.

Though cucumber is soothing, cucumber contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids as do most fruit and some of the other ingredients used in homemade beauty recipes.

You see, in home made skin care, the exact chemical makeup of the ingredients you use may vary, leading to unpleasant results if you are unfortunate. That is why, everytime you make any facial mask, test it on the inside of your wrist first, before you let that mask touch your face.

I was lucky. The lemon facial I did helped clear my skin by killing the bacteria, without burning my skin. The pharmacist said I was fool hardy. As did my cousin who has been making her own beauty products for years already.

Lemon can thin the skin. It is so acidic. The pharmacist thought the other things, like the almond meal I mixed with the lemon juice helped neutralize the extreme acidity. Also, when I used freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on my face, I would dilute it with water first.

Yet the books I read with home made beauty recipes often include lemon in their recipes. After all, lemon has lightening properties. Lemon juice is often used to lighten freckles. Lemon was even recommended in a book by a former model, for use as a toner.

Not all ingredients are that dangerous though. Oats is an excellent ingredient for use in soothing facials. That was recommended to me by a doctor. For my toddler's rash. Cooked oats in a bag in the bath water is a home remedy to soothe itchy skin. Here is a facial that uses oats and rose water. http://www.womanht.com/facials/RoseOatsFacial.htm

A home made face mask can be as simple as putting some mash fruit your face. Fruity facials tried and tested outlines such experiments with fruit.

Different skin types require different ingredients. Dry skin can use richer, nourishing ingredients. Really dry skin would love the moisturizing effect of sweet almond oil or olive oil. Oily skin, on the other hand would break out in pimples if you try massaging these oils on your face. What works for your best friend may be disastrous on you.

The easiest thing to do nowadays is to simply buy a great mask for your skin type off the shelf for your home facial. I use commercial masks these days after some disastrous experiments trying to find new ingredients for new home made facial masks for my site. The successful facials were published with at http://www.womanht.com/facials/.

The writer is the writer of the articles in Home Made Facials.

on 1:07 PM

Many people wear contact lenses for reasons of convenience and beauty, but they also have practical advantages over glasses. Here are some of them:

  • Vision becomes more natural and the sizes of objects are represented correctly. Glasses distort the form and the size of an object
  • The frame of a pair of glasses limits peripheral vision
  • Contact lenses move with your eyes
  • Lenses do not mist over in cool or damp weather, they do not freeze in the winter, they do not become wet under a rain and snow does not stick to them.
  • If the powers your eyes require are significantly different, contact lenses can be made in such a way that both eyes will operate in coordination
  • Lenses are irreplaceable for people who play sports, dance, or have an active lifestyles.
  • Lenses help your children avoid the psychological and physical traumas related to wearing glasses.
  • Contact lenses can protect the cornea during recuperation. Special soft medical lenses are made for this purpose.

Contact lens cons

On the down side:

  • contact lenses need frequent replacement, so they cost more
  • wearing contact lenses presents a certain risk of eye infection, particulary if you don?t clean them properly
  • caring for your lenses takes time

When contact lenses are definitely superior to glasses

  • In cases of severe short-sightedness, when thick glasses are very heavy and make your eyes look small
  • In cases where there is a big difference (more than 2.5 diopters) between the visual acuity of your eyes. With such a condition, glasses can?t provide adequate correction
  • In cases where your cornea needs special protection - for excample, after the removal of a cataract

It seems that benefits contact lenses offer outweigh the effort that is needed to take care of them. Besides, many people think that they simply don?t look good in glasses. Contacts are a perfect solution for this problem because they are practically invisible.

Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures

on 12:16 PM

Stretch marks can affect all of us. Many people assume the cause of stretch marks (also known as striae) is pregnancy, and so only pregnant women and mothers are affected. Body builders often suffer from striae, and the majority of these body builders are men. People who gain a great deal of weight are also susceptible to stretch marks. In short, anytime skin is stretched quickly or dramatically, striae are apt to appear.

Not only can striae affect both men and women, but they can affect children, teens, and adults. Skin is a remarkable organ. One of skin's most remarkable abilities is its ability to stretch.

Elastin and collagen are two of the building blocks of skin. Collagen is a binding agent in skin. Elastin provides skin with, you guessed it, its elasticity.

And the skin is phenomenally elastic. The scar tissue that accompanies these small rips in the skin are known as stretch marks.

How Stretch Marks Can Be Prevented or Repaired

A popular home remedy for stretch marks is cocoa butter. Pregnant women, body builders, or growing teenagers can rub in an ointment of elastin, collagen, and other proteins to help prevent tearing, and subsequent scarring. The proteins promote cell regeneration, which improves the scars' appearance. Then they thicken the epidermal layer, creating a smoother top layer of skin. This further improves the look of striae, even striae that are quite old.

David Stanton
Dermaglow offer natural & organic skin care to help prevent stretch marks. http://www.dermaglow.co.uk/skin-care/129.html

on 10:23 AM

The makeover shows on television have resulted in a significant upswing in the popularity of facial plastic surgery procedures. They often fail to show, however, the swelling afterwards.

Swelling After Facial Procedures

Choosing to have plastic surgery is always a big step. More people are deciding to have this permanent form of cosmetic change due to the aging population and the amount of Hollywood stars that talk about their procedures. An especially popular form of plastic surgery for women and men over 40 are facial procedures. Here are a few things that you can expect when going in for yours.

Keep in mind that there are many different types of plastic surgeries for the face that can be performed. There are upper and lower lifts. There are also laser treatments, which are also known as laser skin resurfacing. The goal of all facial procedures is to correct issues on the face that can happen as a person ages. Sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls and deep cheek folds are all issues that traditional surgeries can correct, while laser procedures tend to target smaller skin imperfections such as small wrinkles.

A facial procedure is usually performed by a board certified plastic surgeon under general anesthesia. Cuts are made into the skin at the hairline, and the underlying tissue and muscle is pulled taut. This gives the skin a smoother, more youthful appearance. Sometimes, excess skin is also removed from the facial area. All of this work can be done on an outpatient basis. Patients are often up and moving around very soon.

If you have a full or partial surgery, you are going to have to deal with some discomfort afterwards. Swelling will be a part of this and you have to have reasonable expectations. You are not going to come out of surgery and immediately look great. The adjustment of muscles, fatty tissue and skin is going to get a reaction from the body. Swelling will be prominent immediately after the procedure as the body forces blood into the area to help with the healing. Frankly, your face will look like a balloon. After a few weeks, however, the swelling should seriously abate. This will let you get a better idea of the final look. That being said, some minor swelling can last as long as 10 months, so you have to be patient.

Having plastic surgery on your face requires significant surgical invasion into muscles, skin and fatty material. The body is going to act to heal itself by pushing blood into the area. This will result in swelling on a large scale. Don?t panic when you see yourself for the first time after the surgery. The swelling will go down with time.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

on 4:40 PM

The Internet is a great place to source and find all those wonderful and tempting wholesale contact lenses and contact lens accessory offers.

You've probably spent hours in the comfort of your own home, surfing the 'net on your computer looking for those to-good-to-be-missed special offers. Looking at it that way any amount of time searching is worth it, if it means you're getting top-quality products at the lowest possible prices!

This is especially true of any contact lens accessories purchases you make at wholesales since these items help you to maintain your lenses in tip-top condition, keeping them safe for your eyes.

However, your eye safety doesn't actually start with the contact lens accessories wholesale Internet specials you found recently, though. It starts with an examination and prescription from your eye doctor or eye care professional.

As with everything else in life, everyone is an individual and although we look the same and some of us even share the same eye color, our eyes are truly unique.

That's why you must remember that contacts are corrective eye wear. They are prescription medical devices that only your eye doctor or eye care professional should prescribe and fit.

It's easy enough to practice good common sense eye care for yourself. For instance, don't borrow and wear other people's contacts as this could cause eye infections, damage your sight and lead to significant vision problems.

In cases like this no matter what contact lens accessories wholesale deals you got on the Web, even the latest and greatest must have accessory can't help you when you use lenses inappropriately and incorrectly.

And don't get complacent just because you've been using contacts for years - in fact, you're likely to have picked up bad habits and could actually be abusing your contact lenses and your special contact lens accessories.

It's important every year to make sure that you set an appointment to have your eye doctor or eye care professional review your prescription. That way, you can be certain that your lenses are the best possible fit and you can ensure they are as safe and beneficial as possible.

That way you can keep on surfing the 'net, finding as many of those contact lens accessories wholesale special offers you want, till your hearts content!


Elaine Clay is the owner of Online Contact Lenses Guide.com. A one-stop online resource guide - find helpful information, tips, articles and advice all about the different types of contact lenses available.

Feel free to use the above article on your web site or ezine. Provided that it is published in it?s entirety, including my resource box above and a ?live? clickable link to: http://www.online-contact-lenses-guide.com.

on 10:12 PM

Buying salon equipment from a wholesaler is one option to consider when opening a new hair, nail or tanning salon. Wholesalers of salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment because they don?t specialize in one particular brand over another. This allows the consumer many options when equipping their business.

Many wholesale suppliers of salon equipment are available online and consumers are able to quickly and conveniently browse through online catalogs to determine which equipment best suits their business needs. Many of these wholesalers also offer free shipping to entice consumers to make a purchase.

Wholesale suppliers can also offer lower prices than smaller businesses that specialize in beauty equipment. They often carry a very large inventory and possess the power to make bulk purchases, allowing them to offer deeper discounts to their customers. Wholesale suppliers also offer financing or leasing options to the customer. This is a convenient way to allow business owners to grow their business, especially during the start up phase. Typically, wholesale salon equipment comes with a warranty that may vary from a standard 3-year warranty to a lifetime warranty -- which is typically attached to more expensive equipment. It is also important to ensure that wholesale salon equipment may be returned or exchanged if it is found to be substandard or defective.

In addition to the general cost savings of purchasing wholesale salon equipment, consumers may further save money if they purchase wholesale salon equipment that is offered as clearance. Many wholesale suppliers offer a selection of clearance equipment at deeply discounted prices. This equipment may have a low turnover rate and the supplier wishes to quickly liquidate the items. Consumers can save significantly when buying new items that are offered on clearance.

Wholesale suppliers can offer a consumer great savings on wholesale salon equipment. Prior to making a purchase, it is important to conduct research. Ensure you are purchasing from a reputable supplier that offers a solid return or exchange policy. If the policy being offered is inadequate or is not easily understood, it may be a wise decision to purchase elsewhere.

Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

on 2:11 PM

Everybody longs for that healthy glow, for sparkling eyes and shiny hair that bounces with every step. Millions of dollars are spent every year in beauty products to make skin that much clearer, wrinkles that less visible and lips pout that much more. And while there are cosmetics that do work, you shouldn?t underestimate the value of natural beauty products. Remedies that are available with nature. They?re easy to find, won?t put a hole in your pocket, and don?t have a trace of any harmful chemicals. Read on to see what gifts from nature can make you your most beautiful self.

For your hair (http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/beauty/hair-care.htm)

Lemon juice:
Lemon juice when used on your hair is an effective treatment for dandruff. Its citrus property cleanses the hair. Squeeze a lemon onto your hair and massage into the scalp, and then wash it out using water and your preferred shampoo.

Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is used in several parts of the world as an aid to beautiful hair. It has enriching vitamins and nutrients that help your hair to grow long and lustrous. In addition, it also combats dandruff. Massage into the scalp before washing hair. If possible, do so a night before, so the oil can soak in overnight.

Vinegar is great to add some bounce and vitality into dull and lifeless hair. Mix a little vinegar into warm water, and then rinse your hair with the solution. You hair will look revitalized.

For your skin

The important of water cannot be stated enough. It is one of the most important contributors to beautiful skin. It flushes out toxins and battles breakouts. A person should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Warm showers are also very beneficial to the skin. When your skin is well hydrated, it looks young and healthy.

They?re more than just pretty flowers! Rosewater is extremely good for the skin. It purifies the skin, and leaves it wonderfully scented. Combined with hazel, it is especially good for oily skin. Turmeric Powder: If you want your skin to naturally get fairer and more radiant, you could try turmeric. Just mix a piece of turmeric with curd and apply it onto your skin. Leave the paste on for about ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash off using cold water.

For your body:

Fruits are one of the best gifts that nature can give you. Most of them are low in calories, and can give you a whole lot of energy. In fact, almost all diets have fruits as an essential part of them.

Spinach leaves are very, very healthy. There?s a reason why Popeye enjoyed spinach so much! It helps to make your body stronger, and more resistant to illnesses and ailments.

Ellen for http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com. Find lots of makeup and beauty tips here with loads of information on skin care and skin disorders. Our forums ? http://forums.ultimate-cosmetics.com.

on 7:03 PM

I have a very bad eyesight and I don't look good in glasses. I want to switch to contact lenses, but there is a lot of talk about contact lenses causing eye infection. Are soft contact lenses safe?

This is a very common question. Many people would like to switch to contact lenses, but they are afraid that this can cause diseases such as keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) Lets look at the dangers wearing contact lenses might present and how you can avoid them.

There are two main lens types - RGP (rigid gas permeable lenses) and soft contact lenses. Here we will talk about soft contact lenses, since they are the most popular type.

Contact lenses features that can put you at risk of keratitis

The quality of your contact lenses, how much oxygen they let through to your eyes and how high is the percentage of water in the lens should all be considered. It is important to select lenses made from high quality polymer with a high (more than 50%) water content. Also the lenses should breathe - in other words, they should let enough oxygen through. A good choice would be Acuvue Advance lenses or any of the Focus contacts. Also see more suggestions on healthy contact lenses.

Another consideration is how the thickness of the lens. The more corrective power your eyes require, the thicker the lens is. A thick lens presents a higher risk of infection. If your eyesight is very bad, RGP lenses might be a better choice for you, instead of soft contact lenses.

Third, having your lens properly fitted is especially important. The lens shouldn't be too tight across the surface of your eye. There should be space for tears between the lens and your eye. Only an experienced eye doctor can fit your lenses properly. You should never buy contact lenses without a prescription, on the assumption that they will fit you. Most likely they won't, and you can do irreparable damage to your eyes.

Another problem is exposure to pollution, smoke, dust or pollen. Lenses tend to collect even the smallest particles from the air. This causes discomfort and, quite often, inflammation of the cornea. If you feel that there is something stuck between your eye and the lens, take your lens off immediately and wash both the lens and your eye. See additional eye health suggestions.

Sleeping in your contact lenses isn't recommended. Contact lens manufacturers realize that people would very much like to have a lens that they can wear continuously for several days. They put a lot of research into producing such lenses: for example, Focus Night and Day is said to be safe for 30 days of continuous wear, and Acuvue is designed to be worn for a week.

However, from your health point of view it is better to be safe than sorry; don't sleep in your lenses. Of course, if you live in the mountains where the air is crystal clear, wearing your lenses for several days might be all right. But most of us live in polluted cities and travel a couple hours a day through peak hour traffic. Just imagine all that dust collecting between the delicate surface of your eye and a lens for a week, or a month ? It's not a pleasant thought, is it?

Early symptoms of keratitis are blurry vision (while wearing lenses) and discomfort when exposed to light. If you notice these signs, don't wear your lenses and see a doctor.

After reading this article you probably think that soft contact lenses are dangerous and you are better off with your old glasses. Please don't. Modern brand-name contact lenses are designed to minimize the risks and, if they are properly fitted, worn according to the schedule and properly cared for, they are quite safe. The most important thing is to follow the advice given above and see your eye doctor immediately, if you start to feel discomfort.

Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of http://www.1-contact-lenses-consumer-guide.com/, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures

on 12:44 PM

Earlier people felt that plastic surgery was such an operation, which was for the higher sections of the society. But nowadays the total expenditure of the surgery is very reasonable and all sections of society opt for it. Today plastic surgery is not a big deal; all that is required is a qualified surgeon.

Sometimes plastic surgery is a necessity for reasons such as unusual birthmarks, accidents or burn marks etc. Today because reconstructive surgery can be performed for these cases, a lot of people can look good.

Cosmetic surgery has become immensely popular today, as most of the people are turning beauty conscious. Most of them want to enhance their looks and so they properly mould their nose, lips etc. But, before planning for such surgeries one must carefully listen to the tips of the surgeon. The plastic surgeries do not always end up successfully as there have been cases of swellings, non-symmetry and even death.

You need to carefully choose a surgeon for the operation. If you want to lodge a complaint about any surgeon you can meet the board of Medical Examiners. You can review the ratings of each surgeon if you surf for the information on the Internet. As experience is an important factor, you must find out whether the surgeon is capable from the previous patients.

Cosmetic surgery is really an appealing concept but a careful consideration should be made before planning for it.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://www.askaquery.com/Answers/qn1599.html

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

on 8:53 PM

Now mater how frantic your schedule is this holiday season you can celebrate the holidays in stunning style and avoid the season?s must common beauty problems with the following expert beauty tips. Looking gorgeous for all the seasons festive has never been so easy.

Conceal under eyes bags ? Place a small dot of contour cream or powder on the puff area under the eye and blend thoroughly. Next using a thin makeup brush or a Q-tip apply highlighter directly in the crease under the puffy area and blend. Now cover with foundation and set with face powder.

Reenergize flat lifeless hair ? Flip your hair over and spritz a volumizing spray on the underside roots, flip hair back over and apply volumizing spray on top roots. Next using a hair dryer set on low blow bottom roots for a minute then do top roots for a minute.

Disguise blood shot eyes ? Use dark blue eyeliner and mascara. The blue will bring out the white in your eyes and dilute the red.

Go from office to party ? To easily take your makeup from work to party all you need is a glittery eye shadow, a lip gloss, eyeliner for touch up, and face powder with a large makeup brush. To take your wardrobe from work to party you need to start with a simply black dress or top and bottom combo that will work for the day with a business jacket or one of this seasons popular sweaters and which can be transform to party wear by simply adding one of the following items; glittering earrings and necklace set, a gold or sliver cardigan, or try one of the season?s hot velvet jackets.

Rejuvenate your complexion ? Before going to bed remove all makeup and thoroughly cleanse your face. After cleaning your face massage your skin with a vitamin enriched moisturizer for about 3 minutes to nourish your skin, stimulate blood circulation and create a healthy natural glow.

Eileen Hammel is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert Ms.Hammel is President of Smarter Image,and Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image. http://www.smartskincaresmartcosmetics.com/

on 5:45 PM

Say goodbye to the inconveniencies of tanning. Get a tan right at your very own home, at tanning spas and still have a tan even on rainy days. Here are few of the benefits one can get in tanning beds

1) Easy way to get it.

It is very convenient. There is no need to go to the beach. One can get it right at home if you have your own tanning bed or at the spa nearest you.

2) Tanning on a budget

Spas are always available, but if you want it at home and you are on a tight budget, watch out for tanning spas giving discounts on their services. Also, look for tanning beds on sale or second hand ones, which are available either online or offline.

Furthermore, many tanning bed companies will offer financial help that suits you. Most tanning beds are delivered right at your doorstep pre-assembled so you can easily assemble it again.

3) No more damaging sun effects

With tanning beds you can avoid sun?s harmful effects from the mildest ones to the gravest such as wrinkles, freckles, skin discolorations, thinning, thickening and skin cancer. It can also gradually weaken the skin.

Tanning beds' ultraviolet lights are constrained compared to the sun, which allows you to a much balanced tan. But remember to always wear protection for your eyes.

4) Healthy and rosy

Tan gives you those nice rosy cheeks and the skin a healthier glow without having to put some make up. Just find the correct temperature setting that you desire or that suits your skin and you are off to a rosier cheek with the natural blush.

In addition, you can always choose from tanning beds with and without ultraviolet lights.

5) Relax and enjoy

There was a study that says tanning bed?s ultraviolet light sets tanners in a better disposition. The study lasted for six weeks and was composed of 14 students. Each was given two to three times tanning sessions in a week. As a result, about 90% of the respondents chose tanning beds with ultraviolet lights and they said that their ?frame of mind? improved a lot.

6) Hot and sexy

Look hot and sexy because tan accentuates one?s features. It compliments every skin tone. But never forget your timer or you will become toasted or darker than you desire.

7) Lots of choices

Worry no more. Whether you are super tall, chubby or extra large, there is an effective tanning bed that will work best for you.

There are lots of tanning bed variations. The big ones are perfect for all sizes. If you have small space, the upright tanning beds in a booth and dressing room type are available.

8) Tan lines are out

You can wear up to nothing at all inside the tanning bed and achieve that even color all over your body. This will give you a look like you are on a natural tan. You can wear sexy clothes like backless, strapless and plunging neckline.

9) Fast and easy

Get the tan in an instant. Look like you have just stepped out from the beach without even going there. Achieve it without staying under the sun for a long time. It does not matter at all if it is raining or there is no sun.

Technology gives us the best and safest solution to the most common things we use up to the exceptional ones. Let us enjoy their benefits but keep in mind that everything should be done in moderation.

tanning-hq.com is a free information site that offers articles and resources on Tannning Comfortably. If you want to read or share information on Health & Fitness: Beauty, you're always welcome!

on 2:31 PM

The carbohydrates are the starches and sugars which are the main providers of energy for keeping the body working and coping with the activities we undertake. Western man has about half his diet in the form of carbohydrate but in the east it constitutes up to 90% usually taken as grains. It is fortunate that grains are also good providers of protein; starvation is generally the result of too little food rather than too few carbohydrates.

The refining of carbohydrates into white flour, polished rice and white sugar is a prime cause of overweight. Such foods are easy to eat in large amounts whereas if they are as near nature as possible-for example as whole wheat flour; brown rice and raw sugar-the appetite is well satisfied with less quantity.

Another bonus is that the all important dietary fiber, probably in its best form as cereal fiber (bran), is retained. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the contents of the gut, and for this reason is extremely valuable in preventing constipation. It is thought that a Western diet low in dietary fiber may be one of the causes of diverticulitis, appendicitis and varicose veins.

If you include dietary fiber in your diet you will be less likely to suffer from those disorders linked with over-refined foods. It must be remembered that brown bread is often colored with caramel, and has added wheat germ (a good food in itself), but is basically made from a refined or semi-refined flour. It is safest to insist when you can on bread from stone ground whole-wheat flour as this will contain all the necessary nutrients. Brown rice, pulses (lentils, peas and beans) and oatmeal are also excellent sources of dietary fiber.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses and health problems

on 2:37 PM

Dry skin, also referred to as xerosis or eczema or asteatosis, and erroneously as icthyosis, is a multi-faceted condition which periodically afflicts most of the population regardless of race or sex at one time or another, and through a wide age range. Dry skin may become more pronounced with aging if not treated when young. The symptoms of dry skin range from mild to severe, and may afflict virtually any part of the body. Arms, hands and legs are most frequently involved. Most dry skin conditions arise from conditions which can be modified or prevented and treated without medical intervention.. People residing in areas where climatic conditions include cold dry air accompanied by strong winds are most often affected during the winter months. Dry skin results from lack of water in the outer layer of skin cells known as the stratum corneum. When this layer becomes dehydrated it loses its flexibility and becomes cracked, scaly and sometimes itchy. The stratum corneum contains natural water-holding substances, including urea, which retain water seeping up from the deeper layers of the skin. Water is also normally retained in the stratum corneum by a surface film of natural oil (sebum) and broken-down skin cells, which slow down evaporation of water from the skin surface.

The skin dries out when too much water evaporates from its surface. This increases as we get older, and is made worse by washing, because hot water and soap remove the layer of natural oil on the skin surface. When urea is applied to the skin it penetrates the stratum corneum, where it readily absorbs and retains water. This increases the capacity of the skin to hold moisture, and the skin therefore becomes rehydrated. The moisturizing base that the urea is mixed in, especially when it contains Shea Butter or Jojoba Oil, also provides a layer of oil on the surface of the skin, which helps prevent water from evaporating from the skin surface. Both actions soothe and soften the skin, and reduce the scaling and itching of dry skin conditions such as eczema and ichthyosis.

Common dry skin should be treated by:

1. Decrease the frequency of bathing/showering; maintain tepid water; and limit the duration to 5 minutes or less.

2. Use a mild bar soap. Liquid soaps are more drying. Avoid glycerin soaps and those which contain deodorants.

3. Always apply a good moisturizing lotion after bathing/showering. Eucerin lotion is a moisturizer that contains urea as the active ingredient. Urea is a substance that is found naturally in the skin, which by its nature is very attracted to water. It is used to help rehydrate dry, scaly skin. Lotions and creams which contain urea, Shea Butter and/or Jojoba Oil are effective in mild to moderate cases of dry skin, whereas lighter petrolatum-containing lotions should be applied for less severe conditions. Petrolatum is the chemical name for Vaseline.

4. Operating a humidifier in your home during cold climates, especially in the bedroom, may add moisture to the air and protect the skin when the heat is on.

5. Apply a moisturizer-sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greater to all areas of the body exposed to the sun.

6. Finally, and very important, drink plenty of water and liquids to keep the skin moist from the inside.

We can't rule out other pathology. Dry skin may be a symptom of a more complex problem, i.e.Ichthyosis commonly referred to as fish-scale skin. This is a medical problem and must be treated by a physician specializing in dermatology. The origin of this condition is frequently hereditary with associated metabolic factors, i.e. under active thyroid. In addition to those precautionary measures indicated for the treatment of dry skin, your physician may prescribe a topical steroid and various emollient creams and lotions.

If you want to learn more about Hygiene and Health issues, especially for kids, Please visit KidsHygieneAndHealth.com

Kaaryn Walker is the creater of KidsHygieneAndHealth.com Offering free advice for hygiene and health related issues for youth and teenagers. Kid's Hygiene and Health has an Ask the Expert section which covers such topics as body odor, skin conditions, oral hygiene, etc.

on 1:06 AM

The probe of human mind has marked every inch of success but the art of drawing parallels for what beauty is, has remained a great mystery. For some philosophers, beauty is the degree of attraction and admiration, provoked in an observer. But it is argued that the same beauty does not affect everyone the same way. It varies dramatically. A few think thanks have defined it as a degree of perfection, but perfection in one field may not be of any interest to an observer. So beauty is very difficult to explain fully, but it may be said that it is a game of comparison. Suppose there is only one woman in the world, now question is whether she is beautiful or not. The answer unambiguously is that you can?t say anything because you don?t have another woman to compare with.

But sailing beyond the ocean of imagination, one realizes that there is a factor that determines the degree of beauty, i.e. a personal dictionary, which translates the mortals and assigns degree of beauty. The holy words of human history will peep out from the gale of truth and will strongly proclaim that Juliet was a goddess for a Romeo a god for her and rest, the particles of dust. Heer for ranjha was enough, and he for her, to lead whole their life together with few straws of love. But remember, if all the lovers of the world of the world are invited to a party to ask who amongst all is the most beautiful, they certainly shall stamp the claim of beauty on the hearts and souls of their own beloved which indeed is not their narrow-mindedness but a natural fact that ?beauty lies in the eyes of beholder?.

One day a great historian whispered in my ears a story? ?once upon a time there was king so fond of beauty that he called his most loyal and faithful negro slave and ordered him to go from east to west and from north to south and fetch him such a paragon of beauty that neither moon would have risen with such splendors nor the oysters of ocean would have given birth to such magnificent pearls; neither ladies of paradise would have looked so charming not the preachers of beauty would have been able to give such bewitching example, neither any artist would have created such mind blowing portrait nor a poet from the depth of his imagination would have been able to compose such riveting verse; neither any dove would have its pinion soar such marvelously not the Aphrodite would have marked such excellence. And if I say for her that she is the most beautiful spirit God ever created, then the claimants of beauty should have said:? we are like lumps of coal in a mine and she a diamond among us.? So, go my man whose head crown of my faith rests, on whose shoulders stars of firm belief shine and on whose chest medals of sure obedience are stamped. Go and present me the beauty that should be praised and witnessed by the twinkling stars.?

The negro servant bowed down and went away calmly to the peaks from where the sun pierced its shining fingers into the dark curtains of night, from where Shakespeare and Shelley enjoyed drinks of inspiration, from where the portrait of Mona Liza was found and from where moon extracts its gleaming light; and thus he went through plains to mountains, through valleys to deserts, through unfathomable cares to celestial cities and through each and every inch of this world where life seemed breathing.

After indefatigable efforts, he went to the king, presented him what seemed the goddess of beauty to him, his Negro daughter. At this, the king asked, ?did you not find any soul more beautiful than this??

He kept silent for a while, then raised his head and said: ?Your Excellency, my blood shall be showered in your feet if I speak but the truth. You asked me to bring Aphrodite but I brought my Negro daughter; the reason was my loyalty. Your Excellency, for you her black complexion may seem coal in the dark but for me it is as beautiful as back rose or a diamond. To you her dry hair may look like that of a witch of some old myth dancing in woods but for me her hair is no less than the curtains of paradise. To you her wrinkled hands may seem as a deserted sight of this land but to me they seem as gods, to cope up the world?s fate in it has sketched these lines on it. To you her eyes may seem as those of angels when embodying eyes have mistaken but to me success. To you her wide nose may seem as dark, unfathomable caves of stone ages but to me it is no less than Noah?s Ark. Therefore, Your Excellency, my obedience and loyalty to you compelled me to bring my daughter to you.?

Then the historian smiled and said, ?Yes! Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.?

In quest of defining and explaining the beauty, two schools of thought have emerged so far. One proclaims importance of inner beauty and the other preaches the pleasure presented by worldly beauties. But in fact all beautiful things are not necessarily good, charming and attractive but all good and true things are always beautiful. Therefore, it is well said by Keats:

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, That?s all ye know on earth And all ye need to know.?

The school of thought preaching inner beauty bore these words on the preface of its textbook:

?History is evident that the world has given birth to many worldly beauties which only could help to quench the thirst of people and awake beast in them. Many beauties passed by without any notice but the beauty of soul and conscience has claimed triumph over hearts of millions and marked its eternal existence. The people blessed with purity of soul, truthfulness of their conscience, goodness of their deeds and firmness of their faith have succeeded to scratch their name on the forehead of this earth and lead their nation to the peals of glory. And thus they are still breathing in the hearts of many mortals. Nobody asks whether Aristotle was handsome or not, whether Alexander was strong tall in stature or not and whether Anarkali when buried alive inside the walls posed like a queen or not. People do not ask such questions, but everybody does ask that how they climbed to success inch by inch. The open secret of their success, in fact, is their character, behavior, determination, zeal and enthusiasm which contributed towards their success and inner beauty.?

On the contrary, the school of thought preaching worldly beauty is thanking his God in these words:

?Thanks my God, for you have blessed us such beauties, whose single glance shuns off our day-long tiredness, whose heart may prove as a place of eternal peace to our souls, whose sight reminds us of your Excellence. Thanks my God, you have bestowed upon us such beauty, the wish to achieve, which proves a source of fuel for our body, mind and soul. This beauty has decorated this terrifying and worthless world; and it cheers us up when we are cooped in the cells of gloom, worries and misfortunes. Oh God! Really the beauty that you have blessed us with is a source of living in this frightful world.?

In fact, since the creation of this universe, beauty has been neglected and stigmas of frailty have been marked on its forehead. Beauty seems to be an emblem of nothing but thirst rubbing machine. Those who dwell in this world have been really mistaken in understanding the true beauty. When the beauty reigns its lost crown these mortals will see with their eyes open and sense smelling the truth that worldly beauty was just a mirage. Praise be to the Lord, who gifted us these praiseworthy inner beauties which indeed enabled mankind to kindle flames of love even in the dark. And, therefore, we must stop lauding the beauty only. We should also extol its creator, the Almighty GOD.

NAVEED AHMED CHANDIO, A person with bundles of knots to untie. The thinking fuel for him has been love, beauty and the inner rebelion. Most of the times, he would prefere to let the things be interwoven for the beauty of life remains in having some reason to fulfil. He is a fairly good student of Nature and feels proud of it. The unthoughtfulness, cruelity, trachery and hatred are few things that he never liked or perhaps he never got aware of. Naveed chandio lives in karachi, Pakistan.

on 2:09 AM

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life.

A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since these two factors play an important role in the health of a person's skin.

Diet - Eat Well

What you put into your body has a huge effect on how the outside looks and feels. Eating healthy foods is important. Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. Give your skin a drink too. Eight glasses of are essential to maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness, say experts. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap. You still can't beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion.

Hygiene - Keep your skin clean.

You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of makeup you use. And be sure to clean your tools regularly. Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out. A good way is to soak brushes for about 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water using mild liquid detergent or baby shampoo. Rinse and blot excess moisture with a towel and stand the brushes, handle end down, in a tall glass until they are thoroughly dry.

Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help block the penetration of pollutants.

Exercise - keep fit

A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also, body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin's own natural moisturizer.

Sleep - get an adequate amount of quality sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep. An adequate amount of quality sleep can help recharge and rejuvenate the body, making it more resilient. Lack of sleep can lead to tired lifeless skin and circles under the eyes. To avoid morning eye or facial puffiness, sleep on your back so fluid doesn't collect there. And, you can keep the oil from your hair away from your face by wearing a head covering or a soft headband when you go to bed.

De-Stress - Relax

Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin conditions then to get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate or daydream. Breathing exercises are excellent for reducing stress. And keep in mind that too much stress can affect your overall health as well as your complexion. A more detailed version of this article is available at: http://hair-removal-tips.blogspot.com/

Copyright ? 2005. Chileshe Mwape writes for The Pregnancy Guide website at: http://www.pregnancyguide.org.uk/ and he?s also a regular contributor to the Cosmetic Surgery Guide blog at: http://cosmetic-n-plastic-surgery.blogspot.com/

This article may be reprinted as long as all the above links are active and clickable.

on 2:40 AM

A tall, slender body walking down the road, her ivory skin and blue eyes make you turn your head, her long silken tresses transfix your eyes and the luscious lips enthrall you. Is she the child of Venus? Well, going by our present standards of sizing beauty and narrowed vision of defining it, she is certainly the Aphrodite. We have limited our concept of beauty to just that what meets the eye. But beauty is not skin deep. It is more about pleasing somebody?s heart than appealing to mere eyes.

The popularity of cosmetic surgeries like Beauty Secrets for All Skin Typesabdominoplasty (tummy tucking), blepharoplasty (reshaping the eyelids and application of permanent eye liner), rhinoplasty (nose correction), butox injections to conceal wrinkles, etc and the mushrooming beauty centers, poses a serious question before us. Has our body taken centre stage in our lives? We are treading towards a potentially dangerous zone of self vanity. Statistics show that 11.4 million cosmetic procedures were conducted in US alone in 2004. Seeing the common place nature of these surgeries in the west, the trend is catching up in the east.

Bevy of young girls is lined across to undergo these surgeries to get that perfect pout of lips, the curvaceous waistline and those Naomi Campbell legs. The ?beauty products? industry has never had it so good. The endless lotions that change the color and texture of your skin, the treatments that transform your hard curls into smooth mane or give your straight hair those bouncy curls, never had a more burgeoning market. This is not a campaign against the cosmetic industry neither is it wrong to look attractive by applying color to the lips or accentuating the eyes with kohl. But we begin to err, when we turn oblivion to our inner beauty. If we can embellish our heart and soul just the way we do to our body, only then can we expect a face as radiant as the morning glow and a million dollar smile to enchant the onlookers.

?Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?. We need to remind ourselves of this truth. For someone you mean the end of the world and for the other you are just another being on earth. So do these contradictory feelings explain anything about you? The fact is that the person who has fallen for you is not so charmed by your face than by the person you are. He admires the goodness of your soul and the gentleness of your heart. And this pure beauty reflects on your face which his eyes capture because he knows you and not just sees you. We get so influenced by the ravishing looks and the stylish ensembles of the actresses on screen, that we run to the nearest saloon and boutique to emulate them. But we fail to realize that a number of times it?s the strength of the character they play and the values they portray, which makes them so likeable.

It is so saddening to see young pretty girls suffering from anorexia and severe psychological and health disorders because they believe they need to have that shapely figure to be in the good books of guys. While one day they will also hear somebody saying, ?Guys do not like broomsticks.? So do we require to be approved by others every time? Or will we muster up the pluck to accept and approve of ourselves the way we are. It is the transparency of your character and belief in yourself that DRAWS and RETAINS people in your life. When we look at an infant, it is the twinkle in his eyes and the innocence of his smile that does not let your eyes take off him. The same is true of adults. The simplicity of your body, sensitivity of your heart and strength of the soul will touch others forever.

A beautiful verse from Theodore Tilten?s poem ?Even This Will Pass Away? explains the ephemeral nature of the corporal beauty.

Woman, fairest ever seen

Was the bride he crowned as queen,

Plowed on the marriage-bed

Whispering to his soul, he said

?Though no monarch ever pressed

Fairer bosom to his chest,

Mortal flesh is only clay!


So while we may certainly go to enhance our looks and accentuate the curves, remember it is all transient and superficial. Beauty lies within you so let it come out and add that extra shine on your lovely countenance.

Mind Body Soul http://www.mindbodynsoul.com

Mind Body Soul http://www.mindbodynsoul.com

on 12:49 AM

Gravity is an irresistible force. While it is certainly nice that it keeps us rooted to the planet, it also has a habit of pulling things lower than we might like over time.

Breast Lifts ? Improvement Without Implants

Cosmetic breast surgery is one of the more popular areas of plastic surgery. That being said, the controversy surrounding breast implants may make you pause when considering the various enhancement procedures available.

Breast lifts are designed to fight the effects of gravity. The goal of the procedure is to raise and/or reshape sagging breasts. When breast lifts are discussed, most people assume the procedure necessarily includes the use of implants. While it is true that implants can be used in the process, it is equally true that they need not be. Obviously, the choice comes down to the final result you hope to achieve and the advice of your physician. Regardless, it is important to understand that you should not assume a lift requires implants.

Breast lifts without implants can make a major difference in your appearance. One has to be a bit careful discussing the procedure because it tends to be tailored to the specific situation of each patient. That being said, the process typically involves the removal of excess skin combined with the repositioning of the remaining tissues.

In one sense, breast lift surgery is very much an artistic endeavor. The plastic surgeon is essentially acting as a sculptor. As such, you absolutely must make sure you are comfortable with their style and past creations. The best way to do this is to sit down with the surgeon and review before and after pictures from past procedures. This is your body, so do not hesitate to express your opinions and ask questions. The surgeon will not be insulted. To the contrary, he or she would rather have as detailed an understanding as possible of your goal. He or she can then give you an idea of potential, reasonable results.

As Einstein told us, gravity is one of the key forces in the universe. A breast lift can give you the ability to counter that force without dealing with the controversy surrounding implants.

Ricardo de Silva is with PlasticSurgeonPractices.com - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

on 9:34 PM

Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obessed with beauty.

The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells. The speed at which that process takes place when we are children is vastly different as we get older.

Every day you are bombarded daily with commercial messages and beauty tips that attempt to lure you into believing that the most recent miracle drug is just what you need to fight off the ravages of Mother Nature.

We are living longer as a whole. Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing, depending on your perspective. The best route to natural beauty and healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn?t it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day. Here are some of our favorite beauty tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:

1: Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water! That does not mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid, even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2: Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn?t bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don?t leave home without it!

3: Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

4: The best cure for wrinkles is to never have them in the first place! If you are like most of us, you didn?t listen to your Mom when she tried to tell you to stay in the shade, stand up straight and stop squinting!

5: Eat healthy. Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, weight gain, illness and an overall lethargy.

Weight gain causes your skin to stretch. As you get older, it loses it's elasticity and you're left with sagging skin. The best solution to this is to maintain a proper weight.

A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

6: Don't worry, be happy. A happy outlook appears to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins relax the cardiovascular system and cytokines which alert the immune system to pay attention in detecting abnormalities like cancer cells. Listen carefully to yourself. If you have put yourself down since childhood, over a lifetime, negative subliminal messages can take their toll by turning you into a pessimist. Spend one week writing down the phrases you use in your ?self talk.? Chances are you will find that you repeat a dozen or so phrases over and over again that reinforce that negative image. If you know about them, you can change them. Outer beauty and inner joy go hand in hand.

Here are a few quick tips for increasing joy, hope and optimism that will work no matter what your age:

Make a list of at least 50 great things that happen to you every day.

Laugh a lot. You?ll heal your body and your mind.

Discover a new challenge each month.

Try meditating for just five minutes each day.

7: Sex After 50 ? Ha! How many of you jumped ahead to this section?

The importance of physical intimacy actually depends on the couple. An alarming number of men used to give up on sex after 60 and many women used to feel that their sex life ended with menopause. Thankfully, that is no longer the case.

Sex at middle age can actually become better and more satisfying than ever before. Maturity gives a couple more experience in lovemaking. The children are usually grown and left home. The pressures of building a career and day to day life are usually less stressful than in younger years.

Is beauty really skin deep?

The answer is yes and no. It?s a paradox, isn?t it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don?t you wish there was some way to ?wriggle your nose? and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true ?Fountain of Youth? we are stuck with what we have.

Just remember that getting older doesn't have to mean getting old.

Jill Miller is the founder of the Fit4Life Club. Discover the timeless secrets of everlasting youth and beauty. Go here to find out how. Timeless Beauty Tips

on 2:17 AM


Sedu celebrity hair style 1: The Effortless, Everyday Look
Best suited for: Girls on the go that want no fuss yet exude with style
Celebrity icons for the style: Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston

How To:

1. Wash hair thoroughly with deep shampoo and conditioner
2. Towel dry hair
3. Add a hair serum to your hair - we love Garnier Fructis sleek & shine serum. This serum will get rid of frizziness & keep your hair looking silky smooth
4. Use the Sedu Flat Iron by inserting approx. 2-inch section of hair between the plates gliding down your hair from root to tip.
5. Repeat to all sections of hair and spray if required to keep hair in tact.

Sedu celebrity hair style 2: Chignon Chic
Best suited for: Night Out or a Dinner Party
Celebrity icons for the style: Nicole Richie, Mischa Barton

How To:
1. Wash hair thoroughly with deep shampoo and conditioner
2. Towel dry hair
3. Add a hair serum to your hair
4. Once you have straighten your hair with the Sedu Flat Iron pull the side section of your hair nearest to your face toward the mirror
5. Twist the back section of your hair, securing it with pins
6. Pull shoulder side section of your hair, twist it, attach to back twist with pins
7. Spray if required.

Sedu celebrity hair styles 3: Tight Bun
Best suited for: Fitness Bunnies
Celebrity icons for the style: Madonna, Jennifer Lopez (J-Lo)

How To:
1. Apply styling mousse from roots to ends
2. Blow dry your hair
3. Sweep hair back from the face and use the Sedu Flat Iron to create a ponytail flip at the ends.

Now you know how to create these styles - get out there and 'Sedu'ce away.

Junalaine Tumang providing the latest Beauty & Styling tips inspired by celebrities at http://www.iheartbeauty.com

on 1:33 AM

Cosmetic Dermatology is a field of medicine that deals with the skin abnormalities and diseases, its cure, prevention and medication. Dermatologist, as they were known, has extensive knowledge and training to provide best possible treatment for a specific skin condition.

Dermatologist can perform a variety of cosmetic works. Upon consultation and undergoing medication on their supervision, they can prescribe medication such as antibiotic in the form of capsule or ointment for skin problems and diseases. They are capable of performing simple and latest treatment such as skin peeling for acne prevention and the use of laser technology for wrinkle treatment, aging remedies and many other forms of treatments.

For those who are looking for a way to remove fat, a dermatologist is the person you are likely to seek help from. dermatologists have gone through variety of trainings to be able to provide for you the best possible treatment for your specific condition.

Dermatologists are available in their clinic and hospital for consultation on your cosmetic needs. They will talk to you about the causes and treatment needed for your skin problems. They will provide you explanation that they will perform and how the procedures will go. And while under medication. They will inform you of the progress of the treatment. Cooperation with the Dermatologist is important to make the cosmetic treatment successful.

Behzad Mahmoudi writes about different issues including Cosmetic Dermatology subject in his weblog.

on 10:35 PM

Our hair can be categorized in three different ways:

  • Healthy

  • Dry

  • Damaged

Characteristics of Healthy Hair

  • Smooth texture and feel

  • Shiny

  • Hair loss is 75?100 strands per day

  • Hair loss consists of entire hair strands (contains bulb)

  • Holds curl well

  • Relatively easy to comb while wet

  • Good elasticity (hair strand stretches when pulled)

  • Healthy scalp

  • No breakage

  • Minimal split ends

Characteristics of Dry or Stressed Hair

  • Hair loss is 75?100+ per day

  • Hair is dry to the touch but responds well to moisture

  • May have some scalp problems

  • Dull appearance

  • Itchy scalp

  • Loses curl easily

  • May be frizzy

  • Hair has poor elasticity (does not stretch before breaking)

  • Breakage (hair strands are short)

  • Split ends

Characteristics of Damaged Hair

  • Dull

  • Dry

  • Coarse

  • Frequent use of oil does not help retain moisture and/or the effects do not last long

  • Tangles easily, difficult to comb while wet

  • Frizzy

  • Breakage is severe in spots

  • Visible split ends

  • Scalp may be unhealthy

  • May have excessive dandruff

    About The Author

    Nicole Elizabeth Smith, the author of Healthy Black Hair (2003), is a freelance health and beauty writer and a graduate of Michigan State University. She and her son Zack live in Michigan. Currently, she is beauty editor for www.myhairbook.com.


  • on 6:12 PM

    Your best and least expensive tools are your very own fingers. How do you use them appropriately and effectively for a natural looking makeup application? First and foremost, wash your hands! You can easily transfer bacteria onto your face causing breakouts or worse, you might transfer bacteria directly into the makeup causing it to grow and multiply. Yuck. Use a delicate, gentle touch, especially around your eyes and avoid tugging or pulling your skin.

    Brushes are the second best tools to complete your makeup tool-kit. Invest in a good set of various brushes for cheeks, eyes, brows and lips. Look for brushes that are soft to ensure a gentle application. Brushes provide the least harmful way to transfer makeup to the face.

    Brush Types: Powder Brush-The largest brush in the set. It is used to blend or to apply loose powder and cheek color. It can also be used to soften the foundation coverage.

    Cheek Color Brush-Also a large fluffy brush. If possible, try to avoid using the brush that comes with the compact. Typically those brushes are too small and hard, leaving streaks of color on the face. Using a larger brush will help you blend for a more natural look.

    Eye Shadow Brushes-There are several types of eye color brushes. However, two simple brushes are probably all you will need. One that is slightly slanted for application in the crease and another for applying color to the entire lid.

    Lip Brush-A brush is a great way to use up the last bit of your favorite lipstick. You can also precisely cover your lips without disturbing the lip liner. A small retractable lip brush can be very handy to keep in your purse. Many brands of lip balm come in small jars or tins, requiring you to use your fingers for application. However, if your hands not particularly clean, you run the risk of contaminating the product and transferring bacteria to your lips.

    Eyebrow Brush-Used to keep your eyebrows under control. Try applying a little clear mascara to keep your eyebrows in place. A fuller brow is ?in? now, but we don?t want you looking like a mad scientist. Just follow the arch that nature has already provided you. Clean up the stray hairs under you brow and above the bridge of your nose.

    Caring for your brushes:

    You probably know what I am going to tell you by now. You must wash your brushes regularly. Gently and carefully wash with warm water and mild dish soap or baby shampoo. Wash the bristles only. Never soak the brushes as that might loosen the glue that holds them together. Rinse until the water runs clean. Let the brushes air dry standing up in a cup. (Laying them down on a tissue will leave dampness on the area facing down and may pick up tissue particles.)

    Have a great day!

    Dawn Hull Professional Skin Care Consultant http://www.MaryKay.com/ShopOnline

    Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register: http://www.marykay.com/PWS/MyMK/Login.aspx?Moniker=SHOPONLINE

    on 2:07 AM

    Do you love your contact lenses but hate the daily monotonous chores of inserting, removing and cleaning them?

    Then the revolutionary new Focus Night and Day contacts might be just what you are looking for?

    These are the first ever contact lenses that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved for continuous, around-the-clock use over an unprecedented 30 day period. No need to remove your contacts each and every night, then put them back in again next morning - you can leave these amazing lenses in 24/7!

    Ever since contact lenses were invented eye doctors have recommended that users remove them every night to ensure that your eyes get enough oxygen and prevent you from getting eye infections.

    Now, however, with the advent of the brand new Focus night and day contacts you can keep your contacts in and still get an adequate supply of oxygen to your eyes. These pioneering lenses allow six times more oxygen to pass through to your eye than regular soft disposable contact lenses - that's why you can wear them at night without fear.

    That makes night and day contacts perfect for people with hectic lifestyles, business people who travel a lot, students with hectic class schedules, vacationers who don't want to be bothered with lens care can all benefit from these convenient to use lenses.

    Already there are already half a million happy people wearing night and day contacts and enjoying the sheer simplicity of wearing the same pair of lenses non-stop for a whole month. After that, you can just throw the lenses out and start anew with another fresh pair for another month.

    Besides the ease-of-use and convenience that the Focus night and day contacts provide, these breakthrough lenses also offer other benefits. Many people have found these contacts to be more comfortable to wear than regular soft lenses because they reduce the dryness and dehydration felt by many regular lens users.

    Night and day contacts are also resistant to build up from the protein deposits that normally form, on soft contacts, from the tears and material in your eyes - this means no scratchy feeling or irritation when wearing them. In fact, a recent FDA study discovered that 90 percent of the users, who participated in the study responded, rated the comfort of the new lenses as very good to excellent.

    It is no surprise, therefore, that the lenses also rated well, in the same survey, in terms of their maintenance and care - 89 percent of the participants said that the lenses rated very good to excellent when it came to taking care of them.

    With reviews like that, night and day contacts sound like an win-win option for those of us who want more from our lenses, not lenses that require more from us!


    Elaine Clay is the owner of Online Contact Lenses Guide.com. A one-stop online resource guide - find helpful information, tips, articles and advice all about the different types of contact lenses available.

    Feel free to use the above article on your web site or ezine. Provided that it is published in it?s entirety, including my resource box above and a ?live? clickable link to: http://www.online-contact-lenses-guide.com.

    on 2:27 AM

    Here are 10 personal little home spa tips that will make you look and feel like a million bucks!

    Squeeze in a few extra minutes to your every day self care time and you?ll see how easily these step by step pampering recommendations will turn even the toughest days around. Or if you can negotiate a few minutes here and there from your day to get even more time?by all means? do it! Your family, friends and co-workers will meet a much happier, more chipper, fantastically refreshed you!

    In Preparation:

    First things, first. No shopping, buying or leaving the house. Scour the house for a few fun spa essentials and make a decadent ?Home Spa Day? just with what you have tucked away! Why put off what you could be doing right now?! I suppose if you are out and about and feel so inclined to pick up special bath salts, moisturizers or essential oils? so be it. I admire your level of commitment!

    - Grab your robe and slippers

    - Find a soothing CD that you absolutely love

    - Scented candle

    - A washcloth, loofah, bath brush or a new scrubbie back there in the drawers you forgot about

    - Fluffy cotton towel

    - Bath salts or essential aromatic oils (if you have them)

    - Your cleansers, toners and moisturizers

    - Coarse sea salt

    - Plenty of chilled spring water (with a splash of lime or lemon) in the fanciest glass you can find

    - Steep a cup of green tea

    Let go of your day? your obligations? responsibilities? stress? and strain. Toss out the barrage of thoughts streaming through your mind (even if it?s just for a moment). Trust me... they?ll still be around later for you to poke at, ponder or peruse.

    Try to relax. Take yourself on a far away vacation in your head, tell yourself a ?Once Upon A Time? story, remind yourself what a princess you are and remember how essential these precious moments are to your happiness and sanity!

    Welcome To Your At Home Spa Vacation!

    1.Take it easy and slow down your breath, your thoughts and your movements. Put on your favorite CD and start prepping a very simple shower or bath in a wonderfully slow, deliberate and unhurried way. Take time to watch the candle burn, smell the fragrance, feel the soft robe or towels, look at the sparkling drops of water and run your hands through it? take in the joyful process of an every day activity that we just fly through without a second thought!

    2.Use essential oils. Not only do they smell great, but they are extremely good for your skin. The rule to applying essential oils is to never apply them directly on your face or skin. Just add about five drops to a bowl of warm water. Soak a washcloth in the water and then apply to your face and neck as a compress for five minutes. Repeat three times. Gently towel dry and finish yourself off with an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory facial splash.

    If you have a choice of essential oils to choose from, select one that suits your mood and purpose. If you are desparking the stress level this holiday, choose soothing oils (like lavender, chamomile, jasmine, sandalwood and ylang-ylang). Good revitalizing and energizing oils when you need them are peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, basil and juniper. The aroma can also provide psychological and physical benefits too! Essential oils can help with physical conditions, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate waste, alleviate stress, enhance your mood, restore vitality and facilitate the regeneration of new, healthy cells.

    3.Basic Body Scrub and Cleansing If you decided you only have time for an indulgent, relaxing shower? start with a basic body scrub and cleansing. I found this fabulous new product called Spongeables (www.spongeables.com). It?s a soap and a sponge all in one. It lasts for a full month of frothy fragrant showering. My favorite fragrance is fresh lavender? and they have them fragrance free too if that?s more your style.

    Whatever sponge, cloth or brush you decide on? scrub mindfully and only gently brush your skin. Gentle circular motions will increase your circulation and eliminate toxins and excess water.

    Another in home spa trick is to mix an ounce of ground sea salt with 10 or so drops of your favorite essential oil. Add water and make a paste so it spreads easily. Apply it to your entire body and slough off the dead skin with big circular strokes. This salt scrub will exfoliate dead skin cells, cleanse the pores and help your body get rid of any toxins.

    4.Draw a bath. Add 5 to 10 drops of an essential oil to bath salts. Grab an extra pillow, put a kitchen trash bag over it to keep it dry and then put a pillow case over that. You just bought yourself 10 extra comfy minutes in the bath tub. You might as well take a book too! Follow it with a warm shower and a dry yourself off with a fluffy cotton towel. If someone in the house really loves you? get them to toss it in the dryer for 5 minutes and greet you with fluffy warmth. If you have a body toning lotion handy, apply to your body (not your face) for additional firming and toning so you?ll look even better in that little black dress.

    5.Be nice to yourself. These are your precious rejuvenating moments. Take your time. Pamper yourself and try not to get caught up in the have-to?s and the should-do?s. Don?t be in a rush. Not only will you lose some of the benefits of this quality time to refresh and relax, you may start sloughing off and using rough, damaging strokes.

    6.Hurrying has its risks. Without slow, mindful, attentive movements, you could cause inflammation and jeopardize that fresh, healthy, glowing complexion that will make you a bright shining super star. You can actually accelerate the aging process by being too rough! Now there?s a good enough reason in and of itself to slow down.

    7.Care for your hair. It is taking a beating in these winter elements. Add ? ounce of lavender to sixteen ounces of shampoo. Or for oily hair, add ? ounce of lemongrass or rosemary to 16 ounces of shampoo. Essential oils can make invigorating scalp massages. Rosemary is awesome! If you decide not to use the oils, make sure you at least give yourself a long, sudsy scalp massage. Close your eyes, lay your head back and drift for a moment.

    8.Replenish lost moisture to your skin and hair this winter by taking two tablespoons of organic flaxseed oil twice a day. You?ll get rid of the itchies and combat wrinkles and sagging skin.

    9.Treat your fabulous face. All the treatments above were just for your bod. Your face is special and delicate. The skin on your face is thinner and more fragile than your body. Treat your face with extreme care and gentleness. Even though it?s cold avoid extremely hot water, harsh soaps or any drying cleansers.

    Grab a new wash cloth or small sea sponge, add a few drops of your favorite cleanser (preferably an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory liquid cleanser) and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Apply face firming treatment then put an ice cube inside of a small plastic bag and gently rub over the face and eye area for several minutes to tone and plump up the skin.

    10.Rejuvenate from the inside

    Drink 8 to10 glasses of water every day. Eat lots of whole foods, green vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, nuts and lean protein to reduce inflammation, replenish moisture and bring back a youthful glow.

    Take 3 full, deep breaths from your abdomen (keep your shoulders still) to complete your simple happy essential home spa experience.

    The benefits and joy you experience during your at home spa day will be more colored by your desire and your intentions than any fancy, expensive products you can buy. Be mindful, set your intentions and gradually transition in to or out of your work day? always cherishing these simple, sacred rejuvenating moments.


    Julie Hunt is a female icon and founder of SHE, the foremost inspiration and personal development resource for women who want to live brilliant, happy, successful lives. Marketing consultant, sales expert, copywriting guru, improvisational actress, yoga instructor, author and just plain cool chick? she?s an inspiration to oodles of women who land every week on her free ?Essentials? teleclass series. Hop on at http://www.shesite.com!

    She is on a mission to scream, skip, advise and acquaint with women around the globe who want live a vivacious life busting at the seams!

    on 10:30 PM

    Skin care and protection of skin should be an essential part of your health for fitness & beauty regime. If you take care of your skin, your skin will take care of you! If you're stuck in a skin care rut, or if you are just looking to learn a bit more about the basics of skin care, read on to learn more about this important step in your daily activities.

    Some Opinions for Skin Care:

    The first step to taking care of your skin is preventing damage. Sun, wind, pollutants, and simply aging can degrade the condition of your skin. Common complaints include dry and itchy skin, wrinkles, sagging, color changes, and age spots. There are steps that you can take to keep you skin looking and feeling its best.

    Exercise, rest, and good nutrition lay the foundation for beautiful, healthy skin, inside and out. A proper diet is not only good for your overall health, it also helps to ensure that your skin will receive all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs to maintain and repair cells. Drinking purified water is another good way to keep your skin healthy. Water helps to hydrate the skin and move waste and nutrients through the system. It is very effective mixing a teaspoon or capful of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in with your water. Do not drink Tap Water.

    The most important way to care for your skin is to protect it from the damaging rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin and can lead to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots, and cancer. Take extra precautions to make sure your skin is not exposed to the sun?s rays.

    Dry skin is very common, especially with age. Older skin has fewer sweat and oil glands than younger skin. Dry skin may be caused by frequent baths, certain cosmetics or medications. But whatever the cause, there are ways to alleviate the itchiness associated with it.

    3 Tips for Skin Care:

    A skin care routine does not have to be elaborate in order to be effective. But you should develop some kind of skin care routine based on your skin type, daily activities, and nutritional needs so that you can be sure you are taking the very best care of your skin. Following a daily skin care regime will also allow you to more closely evaluate your skin for abnormalities. Here's a simple routine that you can adapt to fit your needs:

    1. Cleanse: Wash your skin thoroughly on a daily basis to remove the dirt, debris, pollutants, and perspiration that accumulates on a daily basis. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use only warm water to wash your skin and use a mild natural cleanser every few days like the product Oxy-Skin. If you have normal or oily skin, be sure to wash with a gentle cleanser on a daily basis. Be sure to brush your teeth before washing your face, as toothpaste residue can irritate sensitive facial skin.

    2. Moisturize: Unless your skin is very oily, you will want to use a moisturizer everyday to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Your skin needs moisturizer all year long as both the indoor winter heat, and summer sun can be equally damaging to your skin. The most advanced product is ?Parfait Visage? which is used for the face.

    3. Protect: Use a natural sunscreen when possible, regardless of whether or not you plan on spending much time in the sun. The sun's rays are very damaging and if you get in the habit of applying sunscreen everyday, you will never be left without protection. The suns most beneficial rays occur at sunrise and sunset.

    (Beauty Oil) http://www.starherb.com/productdetail.asp?pid=6363
    (Colon Clenz) http://www.starherb.com/productdetail.asp?pid=23487
    (Beta Sistosterol) http://www.starherb.com/productdetail.asp?pid=885

    on 5:55 PM

    We all have times when our skin looks less than gorgeous. At those moments we inevitably reach for the miracle products -foundations, concealers, powders-we rely on to cover up the flaws we?d like to hide. Yes, makeup is a great temporary fix, and it?s a wonderful tool for enhancing our best features. But depending on cosmetics to cover over your troubled complexion could actually be making the problem even worse.

    Cosmetic Acne - What Is It?

    If you use makeup regularly, then those blemishes you?re trying to hide could actually be caused by your cosmetics. You can usually tell if your acne has been triggered by a chemical, topic agent because it will look somewhat different from the genetic or hormonal type that?s often characterized by red bumps and pustules. Cosmetic acne is more rash-like and generally made up of tiny pinkish or flesh-colored bumps. These bumps can appear anywhere you apply the cosmetics - on your forehead, cheeks, chin or nose, or even on your neck.

    People who mistakenly think that these little bumps are chronic low-grade acne of the type that requires topical creams or antibiotics may be tempted to cover up with even more makeup. They pile on the foundation, smothering the skin and creating a more persistent and noticeable rash.

    It?s important to recognize that this isn?t true acne of the type caused by internal factors. Cosmetic acne is all about what you are putting on top of your skin. Therefore, it requires a different treatment. If you want to get rid of cosmetic acne there is a very simple fix: just stop using the makeup that?s causing it! In most cases, the acne will clear up within a few weeks of throwing out the offending cosmetics!

    What Cosmetics Should You Use?

    Does all the above mean makeup is a no-no? Of course not! But in order to avoid potential flare-ups, choose your cosmetics carefully. Opt for formulations made without oils and look for makeup marked non-comedogenic, which means that they have a lower likelihood of clogging pores. Avoid heavy, thick or greasy substances. And don?t be afraid to go bare-faced - we all tend to exaggerate our own flaws, but they are usually much less noticeable to other people. It?s good to let your skin breathe as much as you can.

    What if you are experiencing isolated breakouts along the hairline or on other parts of the body? You should take a good long look at all the creams, soaps, shampoos and other substances you?re putting on your skin in order to determine what could be causing the condition. Sometimes using heavy conditioners can clog the pores around the scalp and even on the neck or back (especially if you have long hair that hangs down and touches your skin). Try switching to a lighter formula, or be vigilant about keeping your hair away from your skin.

    If it?s your body soap that seems problematic, you may want to switch to a formula that offers extra exfoliation to keep pores clean. Consider one that contains the acne-fighting ingredient salicylic acid, which sweeps away dead skin cells and prevents clogs from forming in the pores.

    Methods of Application

    Finally, remember that sometimes it?s not just what we are putting on our skin that is wreaking havoc on our complexion - sometimes it?s how we are applying those substances that needs to change.

    For example, scrubbing too hard when applying your facial soap can encourage your skin to produce more oil, leading to acne flare-ups. Rinsing with hot water instead of lukewarm can also promote breakouts, so keep your sink and shower water at a comfortable but not too steamy temperature.

    And whatever you do, don?t dip your fingers directly into pots of foundation or apply concealer wands directly to blemished areas. Doing so allows oils on your fingers and acne bacteria to take up residence inside your cosmetics - and next time you use that foundation or concealer you risk spreading acne to your fresh, clean skin.

    So make it a point to use disposable cosmetic sponges, Q-tips and tissues to keep your makeup pristine, and wash your cosmetic brushes regularly. Toss out any makeup that?s been sitting in your cabinet for longer than a few months to ensure that whatever you put on your face is clean and free of potential skin hazards!


    Man, woman, young or young at heart, enjoy free high quality in-demand cosmetic and natural skin care product offerings and free articles on sound skin care tips. For those who believe skin care is a 24/7/365 affair, a
